Clay Cupcakes

It never matters what we are making when it comes to clay.  The kids just LOVE it!  This year we referenced Wayne Thiebauld, an artist we studied early this year.  The fourth graders made cupcakes using pinch pots!

Aboriginal Dot Painting

Fourth graders learned about a type of ancient art from Australia known as Aboriginal Dot paitning.  After viewing examples students used q-tips and tempera paint to create a unique dot painting.

Light Source Drawings

Fourth graders discussed the importance of a light source/s in a piece of art.  Their assignment was to create a composition that had a source of light and in that light source perhaps something unexpected is discovered! The kids had so much fun with this assignment and I was amazed at some of the crazy, creative things they came up with!

Scratch Art

A favorite among many kids is the scratch art paper.  Due to it’s expensive nature it is a special treat when we get to use it!  Fourth graders discussed the differences between geometric and organic lines.  They took turns brainstorming different examples on the board.  They then had to come up with a composition that was visually interesting using geometric and organic lines/shapes.  The kids did a great job making scratch art designs!

Totem Poles

Fourth graders learned about the origin of totem poles, their purpose and discussed stylized art.   They played a game where they had to guess which animal the stylized image was representing.  They were quite good!  Students were then split up into teams and discussed what they wanted their totem pole to represent.  Each student was in charge of creating one section of the totem pole. I was able to display some on actual poles throughout the school!  I was impressed at how creative the fourth graders were!

Cartoon Owls

Fourth graders created a venn diagram comparing realistic owls to cartoon owls.  They then used the characteristics they brainstormed for cartoons and created their own owl.  These cartoon owls range from frankenstein, ninjas, cheerleaders, scientists, girl scouts, and many other personas!

Line Bugs

Fourth graders reviewed the vocabulary words line, rhythm, repetition, movement, and emphasis.  Students chose a print out of a bug, cut it out and pasted it anywhere on the paper.  Then using only line they were to create a piece of art that used the vocabulary words.

Hundertwasser Watercolors

Third graders read the book “Behold! The Dragons” by Gail Gibbons.  We discussed the many features of a dragon.  Students then drew their own dragons and filled them in using metallic watercolors.