Pastel Foxes

Second graders read the book “Fox” featuring wonderful illustrations by Georg Hallensleben.  The students then learned how to draw a fox by breaking it down into simple shapes.  Using oil pastels, they completed their drawings experimenting with blending of warm colors.  So many kids were successful on this project!  It was hard not to photograph them all!

Pastel Pumpkins

1st graders read the book “Runaway Pumpkin” which features a very large pumpkin that starts rolling down a hill and out of control.  We talked about the word perspective and put it to use when drawing our pumpkins.  Large in the center, smaller as it goes back in space.  Students experimented with oil pastels and blending warm colors on their pumpkins.

Thiebauld Cakes

Third graders were introduced to artist, Wayne Thiebauld, famous for his paintings of cakes and other delicious desserts!  Students learned how to draw a cake (cylinder) using perspective and colored their drawings by blending oil pastels.

Pastel Peacocks

First graders read the book “Bees, Snails and Peacock Tails” which discussed different patterns in nature.  Then we looked at the San Diego Zoo website and learned different facts about Peafowl, specifically, Peacocks.  We even watched a video of a Peacock preening.  First graders experimented with oil pastels and blending colors.