Clay Cupcakes

It never matters what we are making when it comes to clay.  The kids just LOVE it!  This year we referenced Wayne Thiebauld, an artist we studied early this year.  The fourth graders made cupcakes using pinch pots!

Retro Robots

Sixth graders made Retro Robots using clay.  As always, clay is a favorite.  They made slab boxes for the main portion of the body and then added details and appendages as they desired.  They painted them with tempera cakes the following week.

Clay Owls

Second graders were very excited to work with clay! The first class we discussed some important ceramic vocabulary and students go to take a tour of the kiln closet.  Then they got their hands dirty and made some super cute owls! The following class period after the clay was bisque fired, the second graders painted their owls using tempera cakes.  They then had to decorate their paper sack “home” for their owl.  It was wrapped up with tissue paper and tucked into it’s house for the kids to take home.