Dali Mustaches!

This lesson was both informative and VERY fun!  Second graders learned about the Surrealist Salvador Dali.   They were exposed to the word surrealism and viewed some of Dali’s artwork.  Then we learned more about Dali and his quirky personality by viewing photos of him and his various mustache stylings!  To get into our Dali mindset we adorned ourselves with cut paper mustaches. We reviewed the word portrait and created ink portraits of Salvador Dali. As a finishing touch second graders placed a pipe cleaner on to create a 3D stache!

Dali Mustaches!

This lesson was both informative and VERY fun!  Second graders learned about the Surrealist Salvador Dali.   They were exposed to the word surrealism and viewed some of Dali’s artwork.  Then we learned more about Dali and his quirky personality by viewing photos of him and his various mustache stylings!  To get into our Dali mindset we adorned ourselves with cut paper mustaches. We reviewed the word portrait and created ink portraits of Salvador Dali. As a finishing touch second graders placed a pipe cleaner on to create a 3D stache!

Line Bugs

Fourth graders reviewed the vocabulary words line, rhythm, repetition, movement, and emphasis.  Students chose a print out of a bug, cut it out and pasted it anywhere on the paper.  Then using only line they were to create a piece of art that used the vocabulary words.

Ink Blown Bare Trees

Second graders reviewed warm colors and did washes of red, orange and yellow on their watercolor paper. We then read a book about Autumn and discussed the types of things that happen in the Midwest during the fall season.  Students then went back to their seat and got a blob of ink placed at the bottom of their paper. They used a straw to blow the ink into a tree form.  Great experimental lesson!