Mixed Up Art

Third graders made a piece of art using ink lines and crayons.  They then had their image cut up into 2″x2″ squares and had to glue them down in a different order to make  a different piece of art.

Pattern Mugs

Students brainstormed different patterns at their tables, then we created a master list on the board.  Second graders learned the difference between forms and shapes.  We discussed how to draw a cylinder in perspective and the importance of a horizon line.  Then we drew our very own, unique pattern mugs!

Tall Birds

Second graders read the book “Bird & Birdie” which had great cartoon illustrations of birds.  We talked about the word whimsical and what it meant.  They then created whimsical, cartoony birds with tall legs using Sharpie.  We then discussed how to create watercolor washes and they used that in their background.